Saturday, February 12, 2011

She says that she came to New York and came to Times Square for the first time for the first time

The public security space thunder space that patrols a task in performance in the New York Times square says that he in early morning comes to Times Square to turn on duty and then see this film to continuously broadcast.He saw a quite a few time and felt"very satisfactory".He says to the reporter:"the whole world all know the hard-working intelligence of Chinese people, this film nicely made a show of the appearance of Chinese, and they were worth our respecting."
Ms. Si and son who comes to New York to spend a holiday from China stand still in Times Square and stare continuously ground to looking at a big screen.She says that she came to New York and came to Times Square for the first time for the first time, see the first showing of image slice in China nation, feel "is too lucky"s.She says that the ability includes the publicity slice that the so greatly a piece of position broadcasts China on well-known New York Times square in the world and explains that the international position of China continuously promotes."Is a Chinese, I stand on the New York Times square and feel very proud.And our chairman Hu wants to the United States to visit and comes to American period to run into important event like this at me, was really too rare".

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